Our guest Cheryl McMurtry is a LEED accredited professional with advanced green building knowledge and expertise and she works at Arch Nexus. Architectural Nexus is a multi-disciplinary, people-driven design firm practicing throughout the western United States. Arch Nexus SAC is the first Living Certified Building project in California and the first anywhere that is an adaptive re-use of an existing building. CleanStart To Do’s are a short online conversation about what you can add to your To Do list while observing the COVID-19 orders to self-isolate. Join us as we interview our featured guests and ask them for their recommendations on how entrepreneurs and innovators can not only cope, but thrive, during this unprecedented time.

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CleanStart Sponsors

Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives,

Greenberg Traurig LLP, BlueTech Valley,

Buchalter, Moss Adams, PowerSoft.biz

College of Engineering & Computer Science

at Sacramento State

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