I had the pleasure of working with a dedicated team of professionals at CleanStart who have given their time to encourage and help others build a better, greener, and more sustainable future. They help connect start-up businesses with the resources and connections they need to succeed. They also host various events around Sacramento to raise awareness about sustainability. They host Clean Tech Meet-Ups, where they created an environment for university professors, industry professionals, and entrepreneurs to come together to talk about and solve issues facing the clean technology sector. Sustainable StartUp Weekend, giving locals the opportunity to create a team around an idea, work with professionals and industry leaders to develop it, and finally pitch their ideas to a panel of judges with the winner going on to compete against other teams from around the world. Green Drinks, where people beer lovers go to participate in a trivia night based around sustainability with prizes going to the winning team.

Overall, it was a great experience where I learned about the struggles and successes of start-up companies and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I attended many of the events hosted and learned a great deal along the way. I wish CleanStart the best and encourage you to reach out to them if you are an entrepreneur who wants to make a better, greener, and more sustainable future.


Christian is in his senior year at California State University, Sacramento where he is studying electrical and mechanical engineering. His love for technology, the great outdoors, personal growth and giving back have driven him to become involved in clean tech where he hopes to learn about and contribute to the local clean technology sector.