Accelerating the Energy Transition requires not just innovation but application and deployment. Testing, growing and delivering innovative clean tech is required to scale fast enough to stop climate change. This demands action at many levels. CalNEXT is taking a lead to help technologies get the Validation they need.
The aim of CalNEXT is to validate new electric energy technologies and measures that can be introduced into California utility incentive programs and codes and standards efforts. CalNEXT prioritizes trends and gaps in the categories of appliances, HVAC, lighting, process loads, water heating, and entire buildings and wants to fund technology evaluation and validation studies.
Join and listen to what they are looking for and how you can partner with them in the California Clean Tech Ecosystem.
CleanStart Perspectives are short online conversations to connect the greater Sacramento clean tech entrepreneurship community and share insights, experiences, and outlooks. Join us as we welcome our featured guests to share their perspective on what entrepreneurs and innovators can do to thrive and grow.
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CleanStart Perspectives are recorded through Zoom