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Carlsen Center & WPWMA Circular Economy Innovation Competition – Info Session

January 18 @ 10:00 am - 10:30 am

Cost: 0.00
Event Type: Academic,Anchor University,Presentation,Professional Development,Student Activity
Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/circular-economy-innovation-competition-info-session-tickets-791158665867?aff=oddtdtcreator

Join us for an information session on the Western Placer Waste Management Authority: Circular Economy Innovation Competition – an opportunity for innovators and entrepreneurs to showcase their innovations, technologies, and businesses while receiving mentorship, and the opportunity to win prize money and in-kind services.

If you are an innovator, researcher, or entrepreneur looking to or already working to turn waste into repurposed value we want to hear from you. The Circular Economy Innovation Competition is a new competition providing innovative ideas, technologies, and startups in the circular economy and waste space with the opportunity to compete for $20,000 in an in-person pitch event on April 24th, 2024.

In this session you will learn more about the origin of the competition as well as the timeline from applications to pitch event.

Apply Here - application deadline is Feb. 16th


Virtual, via Zoom