Happy New Year! CEC and CARB making over $750 million available for clean transportation projects
If you have some innovative clean transportation technologies that can be used in a project to reduce reduce GHG and air pollution emissions, take a look at a couple of funding announcements that came out at the end of the year. They provide a great “heads-up” on where opportunities will be in 2018.
The whopper is from the California Air Resources Board, which has allocated $663 million to fund clean car, truck, and bus projects in the coming year. See this link to read the details. The money is targeted mostly to provide subsidies to those who want to buy clean transportation equipment, with about $400 million focused on freight trucks and buses. There is also an objective to fund projects that benefit disadvantaged communities. If you can come up with an idea that fits these objectives and helps you commercialize or deploy your technology, give this funding notice a look.
The California Energy Commission is obligated to devote $100 million per year to alternative and renewable fuel technology for transportation and has released its plan for allocating that money. See this website. Some of the solicitations under this plan have already been issued, with deadlines for proposal at the end of January. The projects they have in mind deal with hydrogen refueling infrastructure, with making renewable hydrogen, with uses of natural gas in vehicles, and with electric vehicle recharging infrastructure in disadvantaged communities. This CEC money is a bit more on the R&D side, but also favors projects.

Gary Simon is the Chair of CleanStarts Board. A seasoned energy executive and entrepreneur with 45 years of experience in business, government, and non-profits.