Join us as we talk with Joseph Oldham, the founder of New Vision Aviation . New Vision Aviation, a 501c3 charitable non-profit corporation, was formed in 2018 to promote aviation education with a specific focus on communities of color within the San Joaquin Valley. NVA’s mission is to open the doors for aviation careers to young people that previously would not have considered this path due to cost barriers. NVA manages the four Pipistrel Alpha Electro all-electric trainers owned by the City of Reedley and City of Mendota as part of the Sustainable Aviation Project funded by Fresno County Transportation Authority.
CleanStart Perspectives are short online conversations to connect the greater Sacramento clean tech entrepreneurship community and share insights, experiences, and outlooks. Join us as we welcome our featured guests to share their perspective on what entrepreneurs and innovators can do to thrive and grow.
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CleanStart Perspectives are recorded through Zoom.