Our guest is RePurpose Energy cofounder, Ryan Barr. RePurpose Energy reuses electric vehicle batteries to create low-cost energy storage solutions.

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ToDos with Eco-Alpha

ToDos with Eco-Alpha

Our guest is Eco-Alpha Environmental and Engineering Services. Our guests are Melanie Harrison Okoro, PhD, founder and CEO, and Uzoma Okoro, president. We talked about them in our blog here. They also have resources for Covid-19 Support. Check Out More:CleanStart...

Todos with Erik Stokes of the CEC

Todos with Erik Stokes of the CEC

Our guest is Erik Stokes, Chief of the Energy Deployment and Market Facilitation Office for the California Energy Commission (CEC). Erik will discuss the CEC and California's Clean Tech Economy.Check Out More:CleanStart Sponsors Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives,...

Mike Bell talks about Prototyping  Secrets

Mike Bell talks about Prototyping Secrets

Check Out More:CleanStart Sponsors Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives, Greenberg Traurig LLP, BlueTech Valley, Buchalter, Moss Adams, PowerSoft.biz College of Engineering & Computer Science at Sacramento State Follow us on Social Media to keep upto date!

CleanStart Sponsors

Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives,

Greenberg Traurig LLP, BlueTech Valley,

Buchalter, Moss Adams, PowerSoft.biz

College of Engineering & Computer Science

at Sacramento State

Follow us on Social Media to keep upto date!