Tuesday evening July 14 a few leaders of the community came together at a Sacramento Green Drinks virtual meeting to discuss the nexus between the Environmental movement and Social Equity concerns. The panel consisted of Nailah Pope- Harden, Arianne Ortegaray, Paul Willis, and Logan Dreher.  Check out CleanStart Associate Saraia Jackson’s Blog.

Check Out More:

CleanStart Todos with Ryan Barr COO of Repurpose Energy

CleanStart Todos with Ryan Barr COO of Repurpose Energy

Our guest is RePurpose Energy cofounder, Ryan Barr. RePurpose Energy reuses electric vehicle batteries to create low-cost energy storage solutions.Check Out More:CleanStart Sponsors Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives, Greenberg Traurig LLP, BlueTech Valley, Buchalter,...

To Do with Empower Energy Presented Cool Gen 3 Storage Device

To Do with Empower Energy Presented Cool Gen 3 Storage Device

Ezra Beeman, CEO of Empower Energy, in today’s To-Do gave a master class in the hard knocks involved in introducing innovative hardware in a very competitive market.  They have had to make some major pivots as they learned on-the-fly.  They currently are focused on...

CleanStart Sponsors

Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives,

Greenberg Traurig LLP, BlueTech Valley,

Buchalter, Moss Adams, PowerSoft.biz

College of Engineering & Computer Science

at Sacramento State

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