Our guest is RePurpose Energy cofounder, Ryan Barr. RePurpose Energy reuses electric vehicle batteries to create low-cost energy storage solutions.
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Four More Rising Stars Pitch at Spotlight Event
On November 12, we held the last Spotlight Pitch event of the year. Over 70 people signed up. The presenters made an extra effort to tune up their pitches and the result was some of the best pitches we have heard this year. The videos of the pitches and the Q&A...
Perspectives with Jennifer Venema, City of Sacramento
DAE Technology Presents at 1MC
CleanStart Sponsors
Weintraub | Tobin, EY, Stoel Rives,
Greenberg Traurig LLP, BlueTech Valley,
Buchalter, Moss Adams, PowerSoft.biz
College of Engineering & Computer Science
at Sacramento State
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